BELNUC ’23 La Hulpe Symposium – a warm Welcome!
SAVE THE DATE 22nd April 2023
Welcome to La Hulpe!
The Belgian Society of Nuclear Medicine (BELNUC) cordially invites you to its 22nd scientific symposium to be held on 22nd April 2023 in Dolce La Hulpe.
This BELNUC meeting will again bring together all stakeholders in the nuclear medicine community, in a single scientific track aimed at the joint community of physicians, physicists/engineers, radiopharmacists/chemists and technologists. The traditional young investigators challenge will be held too and will also incorporate a keynote lecture by an outstanding contributor to the field and a career award.
Next to these cutting-edge scientific sessions, the BELNUC meeting is a unique opportunity to meet representatives of industry in the exhibition, presenting the latest in nuclear medicine technology and applications.
Please note that the following BELNUC full congress will be organized only in 2025 and then biannually, as in the pre-covid years.
We look forward to seeing you in Dolce La Hulpe in 2023!
More Information can be found here:
Make sure to visit the Industry Sponsored Symposium by Siemens Healthineers taking place from 13:00 – 13:45.
The BELNUC board.